Weapon suffix tags now show the -X% so you know exactly what the penalty is. Weapon condition now has a new slot, which should no longer be subject to those weird FO4 workbench bugs. Handmade Axe, Improvised Mace, Minigun, Skull Pike, Super Sledgeīroadsider, Killamajig, Improvised War Club Katana, Railway Rifle, Shishkebab, SledgehammerĬryolator, Gauss Rifle, Institute Thermic Lance, Light Machine Gun, Pipe Mace, Power Fist, Robot Mace, Scythe, Thermic Lance, Water PipeĪssaultron Polearm, Bladed Polearm, Gatling Laser, Machete Glaive, Missile Launcher Degraded weapons will lower the Strength requirement, for example, a -20% Fat man can be used by a player with only 5 strength. Exiting Power Armor will unequip the weapon if you lack the strength. Being in Power Armor will bypass any strength requirement on weapons.
Temporary debuffs shouldn't effect your ability to equip weapons. Temporarily buffed strength does NOT allow you to meet the requirements. Automatic firing mode does not affect damageĮquipping most heavy and large melee weapons require a certain base Strength now. Mods that have critical damage now say the actual value instead of vague wording. Attacks out of range do 50% less damage. Ranged weaponry has its critical damage significantly reduced.