Copy file map_mp_test.tga ("C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\STALKER-STCS\screenshots") to folder X:\import. experience without the rubbish plot that came with Lost Alpha, and you're not too fussy about how it looks as regards to the maps and environments. From there came Last Day, and finally Dead Air-a completely standalone game. Don't rate low the mod just because you doesn't understand the gameplay and it's too hard for you or it doesn't fit your expectations, instead of that just pass by, without teaching us how to do a game. from folder X:\gamedata\textures\map copy two files map… experience I've wanted for years. Also, vanilla CoC tends to behave a little too similarly to Clear Sky. What are the anomalies in mod? The MISERY mod includes a conceptualized version of New Ordnance mod which provides S.T.A.L.K.E.R. The original games did this at times, but not in detail, and mods like CoC give you no heads up of what is in a stash and whether it is worth going after in the first place. There are mods for it like the SLAM pack which will add new weapons and such to at least make up for the poor weapon models that were carried over from the old game's code. From Misery, Call of Misery was built based on Call of Chernobyl.

There are features present in OGSE that I haven't witnessed in other mods, such as animals or mutants being able to devour corpses-eventually, there's literally just a skeleton left.